Fees and Custody

You pay us a flat fee of $8000.00 per year that’s invoiced to you on a quarterly or annual basis in arrears.

We do not deduct our fee from your accounts.

Your assets are always separately and securely held by Charles Schwab.

We never have control of your money or securities. 

All trades are approved by you

Everything we do for you is transparent and verifiable.

We are committed to complete confidentiality and privacy.

Relationships Between Planning and Wealth Management

Wealth Management, Financial, Estate, and Tax Planning must be integrated as a single discipline.

Investment management, tax, estate, and financial planning are all directly related. To achieve functional long term outcomes, wealth management and financial planning must be fully integrated. Conventional wealth management is effectively a form of gambling because without full consideration of the balance sheet and income and expenses, we are just sailing across the seas of risk without knowing the condition of our ship. Therefore, everything we do is based on your balance sheet and cash flow statement.

Client Relationships and Communication

We establish relationships based on mutual trust. We will listen carefully to your concerns about anything that you feel is important. It doesn’t matter if these concerns are directly related to your finances; everything that we experience and think about does eventually affect our finances.

Wealth Management and Protection

We will talk about wealth management, protection, and generational transfer of wealth. We will work with you to design an asset development and protection strategy that is adaptable over time. Together we will create a plan that gets results for you and your family.

Separation of Functions to Maximize Security and Integrity

We want to highlight the difference between planning, execution, and the occasional necessity of legal, accounting, and tax advice.

We provide complete planning and management, but we firmly believe that the final legal execution of tax and estate plans (includes accounting, tax filing, and the execution of contracts and wills) should always be separated from planning and management. In our experience, it's a mistake for families to create a structure where Lawyers, Tax Advisors, Custodians, and Investment Advisors all work for the same firm. We believe it is critical to keep these functions separate and independent in the same way that a functional society keeps the branches of government separate and independent.

Transparent Fee Structure

Some of the greatest risks faced by investors are fee layering, complacency, and fraud. Therefore, we charge a transparent flat fee for our investment management and planning services, but specific accounting, tax, estate, and legal advice that only occurs occasionally, should always be executed separately (we can recommend firms that we trust and work with if you do not have such relationships).

Estate Planning Needs

If your estate does not exceed $13 million, there’s minimal need for estate planning. If your estate exceeds $13 million, your needs may be greater. In either case, we will help you design the appropriate strategy for you and your family.

Risk-Adjusted Tax Planning

Effective tax planning is risk-adjusted tax planning. At no time should investments be bought or sold, or decisions made, based purely on tax avoidance. Decisions about trades and tax shelters must always be weighed against the complete risk picture faced by the family now and in the foreseeable future.

Ongoing Risk Assessment

We will keep you informed of the relevant risks that your family faces. These risks are socioeconomic, physical, financial, and psychological. Risk does not arrive neatly once a quarter or annually; risk is dynamic.

Misleading Credentials

We purposefully do not obtain private credentials such as CFP, CFA or any other such credentials issued by dues collecting private industry organizations. In our experience, credentials issued and regulated by private organizations create a false sense of competence, skill and trust. At a time when such credentials are granted and regulated by the Government, rather than private organizations, we will obtain them as required.